Savior de The Stoned Letra y Video

MasLetras.Com 49 vistas 846924 Likes Publicado el 2 may 2017



Since you've been gone, baby, I thought
I changed the lock of my mouth
I crawled the stairs to top of my mind
Through the window I threw my fantasies

My street was full with frozen leaves
(How warm you feel?)
But now I see road below these
Sadness often changes the seasons point
(Oh baby, when we are?)
But still I know which side next days are
Waiting for me

You left me alone just a little, and for now
I found in myself what I didn't by your side
Busy trying to save us

I see I'm good, in my nails' size (How huge, grandma)
Enjoying that room, recovering back my time
You can see my face and unrecognize (what a surprise)
For months I couldn't see the light

So leave me alone just a little, or for now
I found in myself what I didn't by your side
Busy trying to save us

So leave me alone since you waved me goodbye!
I found in myself what I didn't by your side
Was busy trying to save us
But fuck it all, I wont be our savior now
I'm busy to much to still saving us

Since you've been gone, my baby, I thought
I changed the lock of my heart