You Oughtta Know By Now De The Heart Attacks Letra Y Video


You Oughtta Know By Now de The Heart Attacks Letra y Video

MasLetras.Com 69 vistas 745022 Likes Publicado el 12 mar 2015


Its dumb, but fun, when you live by the minute cause

the day may never come.
Black out, right out, out, outta you mind.
Forget about your troubles when youre low on life.
Be A Heart Attack.
Fill it up, drink it down, pop pills till youre out on the ground.
Around now every dreams been torn at the seam and everyone but
musics ran out on me.
No energy just lookin for more. Banging so
hard at the bathroom door.
Inside, real high, and surprised to see,
a scarred angel in the mirror staring back at me.
Thought last night,
was the last night of my life.
Awake all through the morning, way past
Sharp pain to the chest, left sides going numb,
when it seems
to be my time the beat keeps going on.