Soy El Diablo de Natanael Cano Letra y Video

MasLetras.Com 446 vistas 902858 Likes Publicado el 17 may 2019


Well it¡¯s half past seven and i¡¯m by the phone
i¡¯m going to the hop alone
but i don¡¯t wanna stay at home
i¡¯m going to the hop alone
bobby tommy billy joe
they all have a place to go
to the last chance dance
going to the last chance dance
going to the last chance dance
Two by two, there they go
i¡¯m going to the hop alone
guess i¡¯ll have to go solo
i¡¯m going to the hop alone
They all laugh at me oh no
'cause they didn¡¯t have to go
to the last chance dance
going to the last chance dance
going to the last chance dance
I have no one to take me home
guess i¡¯m going home alone
Two by two, there they go
i¡¯m going to the hop alone
guess i¡¯ll have to go solo
i¡¯m going to the hop alone
They all laugh at me oh no
'cause they didn¡¯t have to go
to the last chance dance
going to the last chance dance
going to the last chance dance