Commercial Whore de X Fusion Letra y Video

MasLetras.Com 167 vistas 835806 Likes Publicado el 1 agos 2016


Pretty in pink

sham jewellery
commercial whore, commercial whore
painted toenails and teased hair
commercial whore, commercial whore
hair extensions, breast implants
commercial whore, commercial whore
oversized but underweight
commercial whore, commercial whore

Attention, attention, here I come
look at me, look at me
inside out and upside down
my world is small
and turns the other way round

Fur coat, croc purse, dog on a leash
commercial whore, commercial whore

Low priced high heels
commercial whore
commercial whore

Attention, attention, here I come
look at me, look at me
inside out and upside down
my world is small
and turns the other way round