Looking For Love De Sonohra Letra Y Video


Looking For Love de Sonohra Letra y Video

MasLetras.Com 150 vistas 707638 Likes Publicado el 8 nov 2015


I look at the sky that has no color, no longer see the sun

and are gray flowers
my only truth is your eyes deep inside me

Only two photographs have been
on my bed that time has left
the distance that divides us hurts me too

if tevas, my love will
you journey with no goal, not a destination search
You are no mans land where Ill stay with you (there)
and I feel alone but, like your love
finds it ..

you know nothing just your name
and hear your voice in song only
are the emotions that speak
of us
if you go, my love will
you journey with no goal
not looking for a destination
You are no mans land where Ill stay with you (there)
and I feel alone but, like your love
encontrareeeeyeie! finds it
change the sky,
The love you give me inside you

You journey with no goal
not looking for a destination
You are no mans land where Ill stay with you (there)
and I feel alone but, like your love
finds it